Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First day of 2nd Grade

Aug 19 -first day of school in Lincoln! Way too early, but Allie was excited. She gets to ride the bus this year since her school is under construction and they have to go to a temporary school for a whole year.

pre-school orientation

Celia went to pre-school orientation on Tuesday to meet her teachers and see the classroom. Allie showed her around since she was there only a few years ago! They liked the hair salon the best :-)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Morrill Hall

We went to the Natural History Museum on UNL campus last week. Celia loved seeing the dinosaurs and other animals there. Allie's been there a few times before.

Closet for Kit

We made a cute closet for Kit's clothes.....just got a wooden box from Michael's and put a wooden dowel in it to hang the clothes. It's already fulL!