Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve/Day

Another blizzard!

We got another 10 -12 inches dumped on Christmas day! They even closed down the interstate. CHeck out the pile of snow on our patio table.....

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The girls made a couple snowmen today now that it's not so cold outside.....


During the 2nd snow day, we visited Santa at the mall. For the first time in 3 years we have a good picture with him!


The girls helped me shovel when we were dumped with 12 inches of snow a couple weeks ago. We even had 3 snow days as a result!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Allie dancing before Parade

Allie danced before the Star City Parade on Saturday. Temps were in the 20s and it was really cold, but she did a good job. It was a good parade too, 100,000 people came out for it!

Christmas Tree

We went and picked out our own x-mas tree and had it cut down. It is really pretty and was definitely worth it!


Grandma came to town for Thanksgiving. The girls had lots of fun with her, and enjoyed going shopping and staying at her hotel.