Sunday, February 27, 2011


Allie's first year of basketball came to an end. She did really well, averaging 4 points a game. The Lightning won the last game too. Now she wants a basketball hoop so we can practice at home.

Science Fair

More than 200 kids had exhibits for the science fair from Allie's school. The microwave popcorn experiment was very popular! It was a good experience for Allie and Melina.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Science Fair Project

Allie and her friend Melina completed their science fair project - which popcorn pops the best? We popped close to a dozen bags and counted the un-popped kernels. The winner? Orville Redenbacher's. More pictures to follow from the fair.

Morrill Hall

Celia's school had a field trip at Morrill Hall on UNL campus on President's Day. Allie had the day off so she came along.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bieber Fever

The girls and I went to the Justin Bieber movie. It was pretty good! Allie won't admit to liking him, but Celia does :-)